Sunday, November 15, 2009


How weird isit that i started my 1st post with the word 'finally'...?haha.well actually dah lma rse nk buat blog nh but cam ada je halangan (sbnarnye malas nk mampos ;p) n suddenly rse cam rajin plak so here i am.^^ so finally dah ada blog laa..:)
ok for this very first post,i wanna share psl my encounter with encik b*bi (the real one,not a metaphor okayyy) semalam..
urmm..tapiiiiii cam tak sesuai plak 1st post dah cite psl mnde later la okayyy..^^
owh thanks to fara yg excited2 to see my blog..hahahaa:D dunno la bole keep dis blog uptodate ke tak..well as i mentioned,i'm not very rajin...n sgt mengantok skrg nih.very..hahaa.we'll just hv to wait n see...;)


  1. I've chekkidaut wehh and I'm the 1st weehoo!! Rajin2 lah update eh. Tp aku suka la kau nye posts mcm comel. Haha. Adios gajah laut mahu tidurrrr

  2. hahaha..tnx fara.muahmuah!:D
    omg jgn mention 'gajah' pls..ahahahahaa

  3. weh ko kena bt post psl gajah. hahahaa
